Poetry Box poems by Children: Westmere School’s family poems

I Invited Jo van Dam, the librarian/poet at Westmere School, to get a bunch of children writing family poems. I love the warm feeling I get when I read these wonderful poems. I especially love the similes the young poets went hunting for. Similes are excellent tools at making pictures grow! AND I love the way the poems flow like little streams. So cool to read aloud. These poems are full to the brim with aroha!

You can read my review of Jo’s new picture book, Jungle Jazz, illustrated by Deborah Hinde, here.

I am not yet up to doing nationwide poem challenges for children – but I can give individual challenges to teachers or librarians. Do get in touch if you want one (paulajoygreen@gmail.com).

This was my family poem challenge:

Write a poem about your mum or your dad, brother, sister, cousin, or a grandparent. Collect some words and ideas first to help you write your poem. Think about some of their favourite things. Shut your eyes: what are they wearing? What does their voice sound like? What do they like to do? Where are their favourite places? What makes them special? Now use some of your words and ideas in a poem.

The poems

My Mum

My mum is as beautiful as a butterfly.
She is as kind as a kitten.
Her hair is like a river, gently flowing.
My mum is as playful as a puppy.
My mum is as beautiful as a butterfly.

Chloe age 7


My mum is amazing at cooking.
Ultra caring mum.
My mummy’s name is Cassie, but I call her Mummy.
My mum gives me cuddles as warm as a heater.
You make our family great.

Mason age 8


Families are amazing.
I love fishing with my Dad.
I love cooking with my Mum.
I don’t like my Brother because he punches me!!
I also like fishing with my Nan and Pops,
and that is why…
Families are amazing!

Sam age 9

My Family

My mum is as bright as the sun.
My brother is as rude as a bully.
My second brother is as smelly as a pig.
My sister is as annoying as a flea.
My dad is as warm as a fluffy kitten.

Dylan age 8


My cousin Emma.
She is amazing.
She is so nice.
She is the best.
She is as kind as a kitten.
She is as beautiful as a butterfly.
I love my cousin Emma.
She is as playful as a puppy.
She has long hair.
My cousin Emma.

Stella Y age 7

My Great Nana

My nana is great.
We make cookies every time.
She gives me warm hugs.
We make yummy sausages together.
She is as short as an emu.
Her hair is as wavy as the sea.
My nana is great.

Skyla age 7

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