Tag Archives: children’s poems

My favourite l OO k poems

Here are some of my favourite poems that play with how a poem looks on the page. I like the way words do tricky things in the poems.

 I like what the words are doing on the screen! I like the way Georgia‘s ‘play’ is playful! I like the way Tarn‘s ‘motorbike’ and ‘down’ stretches out, Ruby-Rhain‘s ‘down’ stretches down and Fern‘s ‘wobbly’ wobbles. I like the way Phoebe has really zipped and zimmed her words in her poem.

I have a notebook for Phoebe to write poems in and thanks to Scholastic the special collection of The Little Yellow Digger Books for Tarn. For Fern I have James Norcliffe’s The Enchanted Flute which follows on from his fabulous book The Loblolly Boy.

Thanks for all the poems you sent in. Do keep trying my challenges and you may get your poem posted!

The Awesome Zoom
I am zooming d o w n the hill

Faster than a m o t o r b i k e

by Tarn (age 5) Ormond School

Wood Drums at School

My friends and I made a B I G band t-o-g-e-t-h-e-r

we used inch thin branches

against thick tree stumps

Finn finished the c n e t o c r

by whacking his “drum sticks”

against the old




by Fern (age 9) Ormond School

Screen shot 2014-08-18 at 9.42.21 PM  Screen shot 2014-08-18 at 9.42.52 PM

S  P  A  C  E  S

L oooo ng      mis  ing      let te r s

left                     w ith ou t     a     re pla c em ent

Th e    w orld    o f

l o n e l i n e s s

be in g                           f a r

a    p    a   r    t

som et hi ng’s    n ot   rig ht

t he   re d   j ag ged


u n de r

t he    wo r ds   sa y

“ Help!”

yo u    h it    th e

kcab – s p a c e    bu tt on

a nd…


I’m Phoebe. I am in Year 7, I am 12 years old, and I go to St Mary’s College.

My Exciting News! Whoopity whoo little dances for you

Today is a red letter day as I have just signed a contract with Scholastic for my new collection of children’s poems.

It is not easy getting published at the moment as we all know so to have a new book coming out is rather special.

My book is called The Letter Box Cat and Other Poems but that may change!

Now starts the wonderful adventure of making a book.

So a big thank you to Scholastic and I look forward to working with the publisher and sharing the book with you later on.

Joy Cowley cats leave pawprints in the butter

Joy Cowley has written a terrific book of cat poems. All of the poems sound good and some of the poems tell stories. There are mean cats and cheeky cats and surprising cats. I rather like Jake who has such a long tail it looks like a broom. This book is in some libraries so you will be able to order it in if you are lucky.

The other splendiferous thing about this book is that all the gorgeous colour illustrations were done by children. Not just paint — but crayons and dye and felt pens and colour pencils were used.


Joy has very kindly let me post ‘Apricot Cat’ (which is very fitting in the week we have her book Friends as a prize due to the lovely Gecko Press!). I love the way this poem sounds good when you say it aloud  — so good it almost becomes a song. And then – it is also a poem with a little twist. Joy shows that sometimes the very best poems can use quite simple words to tell a story. The extra special ingredient in this poem is … repetition. Listen to the way some lines echo and change through the poem. Try reading aloud in class with different groups taking different lines so the classroom fills with a delicious, echoey apricot cat!

Apricot Cat

The apricot cat said to the mouse,

‘Mousie, I do love you!

Come with me to my beautiful house

With its table set for two.

And you will hear me sing:

Mousie dear, Mousie dear,

You’re the sweetest thing.’

The mouse said, ‘No!’ to the apricot cat.

‘I will not go with you!’

One place at your table is set for cat,

The other for mousie stew.

And I would hear you sing:

Mousie stew, Mousie stew.

You’re the sweetest thing.’

© Joy Cowley with friends (the children illustrators!) Pawprints in the Butter: A Collection of Cats Mallinson Rendel 1991

Fat, squelchy, sour, sweet, sticky, gooey, melting, icy, hot … Poetry

Kim Hill had a terrific conversation with Patrick Ness on National Radio on Saturday. When asked that tricky question on what YA fiction is Patrick suggested that teenage fiction is fiction that is enjoyed by teenagers (or something along those lines). Which makes it gloriously open and gloriously real.

I have been pondering the same issue on what children’s poetry is (a highly pertinent question while I am editing an anthology of children’s poetry). As a writer, when I write poems for children that is always my primary audience. I want children to pick up my books and want to read them. If they do, game, set, match.

Poetry can ignite word sparks for children, even the most reluctant reader and writer, in ways that are utterly magical. Poetry can lead a child back to their own world and find surprising and wonderful pathways through. It can lead a child back into memory and it can take a child into the productive world of the imagination. It can do all these things and more, but what makes it such a tool for children is that it can render words delicious. Fat, squelchy, sour, sweet, sticky, gooey, melting, icy, hot. Words are the playground extrordinaire (to shift metaphors) when that playground is full of poetry beams and mats and jungle gyms and whirligigs.

So, yes, a children’s poem is a poem a child wants to pick up and read and then maybe but not necessarily have a go at writing their own. Other poets have other ideas on this of course and rightly so!

One of the biggest thrills I have is when a child comes up to me (or writes) and tells me they have loved one of my poems. This is bigger and better by far than awards or reviews or sales. I am sure other children’s authors will agree with me.

A Poetry Bonanza on Poetry Box and my leapy cat poem (not!)

Today is the last day of Term One! Which means tomorrow is the first day of the holidays and the beginning of our poetry bonanza. First I have posted a poem I wrote about one of our cats then I have some more writing ideas for you.


Our Cat


A frisky cat

a whisker cat

a flippy flappy zippy cat.


A sniffy cat

a hissy cat

a dishy dashy darty cat.




Our cat likes to lounge and laze,

she likes the fire on winter days

she likes my lap, she likes to nap.


A sleepy cat, a slow cat

a stretched-out-on-the-couch cat.


© Paula Green 2013




Here are some ideas for the school holidays if you want to send things to NZ Poetry Box.


1. Write a letter about a book you love or a poem you love or an author you love to read.


2. Choose any challenge I have already posted and give that a go.


3. Try writing a funny poem with a fish, a cat and a hat in it.


4. Try writing another funny poem with spaghetti, shoes and a bird in it.


5. Try writing a poem about the funniest thing that ever happened to you (you can make this up if you like).


6. Try writing a poem about the strangest thing that has happened to you (you can also make this up if you like!).


7. Try writing a poem about your earliest memory.


8. Try writing a poem about what you would like to do in the holidays if you had super powers and could do anything.


9. Try rewriting my hat poem and putting your own things in it (look for the poem on my blog on April 12th).


10. Try writing a poem about your favourite toy but you can only use twelve words.


Send to paulajoygreen@gmail.com. Include your name, age, year, name of school. Sayb it is for the holiday bonanza.


Happy Holidays young writers and thank you so much for making this a fun and inspiring project. Bravo!


Skye’s list poem from Redcliffs School

OOh I liked this list poem so much I am sending Skye a copy of my book Macaroni Moon!  I commented it on my last post. I only have a few copies left!  Redcliffs School you have a done a great job with all the poems you sent in.

The Race

The gun goes

The splash comes

Nervous parents

twiddle thumbs

closing in

on the line

almost there

fastest time

golden cup

flashing brightly

I skipped back

Very sprightly.

Skye. Aged 8, Year 4, Redcliffs School.

List Poems that Leap in Your Ear on Poetry Box Bravo young poets

List poems are such fun to write and are the perfect opportunity to play with words.

List poems can have set patterns but you can play with the pattern. List poems often sound really good when you read them out loud because they can have great rhythm. Some list poems come alive with delicious rhyme. List poems often surprise you but some list poems can make you laugh or remember things that put a smile on your face.


I had such fun reading all your list poems it was hard picking my favourites. You all did an amazing job. So bravo to you! It was such a popular challenge I think we will do it again later in the year.


Sam S from Ohaupo School has already been a winner on Poetry Box but his list poem, ‘Life is Trouble’ ticked all the right boxes for me. Poems come alive with great detail and Sam was an expert at finding great examples of things going wrong. I loved the way the poem changes track at the end and surprises you (not that poems always have to do this!). The poem sounds really good too. Great job Sam. I will send you a copy of my book Flamingo Bendalingo thanks to Auckland University Press.



Life is trouble

I hurt

When I do something wrong

When I flip off my bike

When my guinea pig died

When my sister is bossy

When I flew off the flying fox

When I get stuck in a fight

When I bang my toe on the door

When I get a whooper cold

When I got my warts freezed off

When I see something funny

I laugh

By Sam S 8yr Year 4 Ohaupo School



Skye hasn’t written your usual list poem with a set pattern but as a list of things happening at a race it works magnificently! I love the pace, the tension, the sound, the rhythm, the words chosen. Great job Skye!


The Race

The gun goes

The splash comes

Nervous parents

twiddle thumbs

closing in

on the line

almost there

fastest time

golden cup

flashing brightly

I skipped back

Very sprightly.

Skye. Aged 8, Year 4, Redcliffs School.



Ewen sent in three list poems but this was my favourite. The poem really makes the clothes come alive  — from the ones she loved to the ones that weren’t so good to wear! This poem also has great detail and has a great ending! Great job Ewen.


Clothes of inheritance

The grubby size six Popeye shirt

that I had two of.

The mickey mouse t-shirt and shorts

that I used to wear as pyjamas.

The blue and orange skate boarding top

that I couldn’t recall wearing.

The navy blue denim jacket

that made me feel all stiff.

The orange and black pants

that were prickly and hairy.

The browny grey jeans

that were so prodigious.

The dull red shirt

that was as thick as snow.

These inherited clothes are history

but the next lot is a mystery.


Ewen W aged 10, Year 6, Fendalton Open Air Primary School



Patrick has written a thoughtful list poem that brings together opposites so it really makes you think. List poems can be really good at that. He has ended up giving a fuller picture of what music might be. Great job Patrick!



Music Is

Music is the rising sun,

But also the dark side of the moon,

Music is the beauty of nature,

But also pollution of the planet,

Music is the spirit of life,

But also the coming of death,

Music is the greatest happiness,

But also the strongest sadness.

By Patrick K, aged 10, Room 11, Fendalton Open Air School.



And here are some more poems from Redcliffs School. I think I had as much fun reading these as you had writing them! Great job! I love Hamish’s ‘carpet of sand’ and Olivia’s mouth watering chicken list and I really loved Mitchell’s line “Hey don’t wear those, throw them in the bin” kind of shoes. Bravo Redcliffs School and bravo to your teachers Ann and Dion!



The beach

I see …..


waves crashing

dogs playing

friendly faces


carpet of sand




the setting sand.

Hamish Aged 8 Redcliffs School.


My Brother

He is …







That’s my awesome brother.

Raffy, aged 8 Redcliffs School.



I eat chicken

Chicken noodles

Crispy chicken

Marinated chicken

Battered chicken

Spicy chicken

Kentucky fried chicken

Chicken nibbles

Butter chicken

Nando chicken

I like chicken.


Olivia  C  Year 6,  Aged 10, Redcliffs School.


I like Beans.

Cocoa beans

Green beans

Canned beans

Humungous beans

Tiny beans

Frozen beans

Baked beans


Mark, Year 6, Aged 10 Redcliffs School.


Fav Food.

I eat eyeball

I eat fish

I eat everything

That is delish

I eat ice cream

I eat mince

Best of all

Smoores yum!!


Charli, Year 4, Redcliffs School, Aged 8




High heels

Ugg boots





Emma, Aged 8 Redcliffs School.



I eat cheese

Mozzarella cheese

Edam cheese

Blue brie cheese

Camber cheese

Colby cheese

Tasty cheese

Gourda cheese

I like cheese.

Olivia C, Aged 9 Redcliffs School.



I like lollies

Spinning tops, Lolly Pops

Smelly pops

TNT like


I like lollies

But not too many!


By Charlie H aged 7, Year 3 Redcliffs School


I like colours

Sparkly Blue

Leafy Green

Crunchy Red

Pretty Pink

Primrose Purple

Sun Yellow

Bright Indigo

Lava Orange

First Gold

Paper White

Second Silver

Dark Black

Dolphin Grey

Bull Brown

Jewel Emerald

I like colours


By Siena C aged 6, Year 2 Redcliffs School



I Love shoes

Yellow shoes

Black Shoes

High Heeled Shoes

Smelly Shoes

Stinky Shoes

Worn out shoes

“Hey don’t wear those, throw them in the bin”

All kinds of shoes

I love shoes


By Mitchell aged 6, Year 2 Redcliffs School



Small books

Big books

Cool books

Funny books

Bunny books

Sea books

Animal books

Silly Books

Fish Books

Wish books

Nonfiction books

Fiction books

Thinking books

I like fiction books


By Ethan aged 7 Year 3, Redcliffs School





John Parker & Elena de Roo go listing

If you go hunting for list poems by other poets you will discover a real treasure trove. Reading poems by other writers is such a great way to take your own writing on adventures. Try doing your version of the poem you discover. Change things about it. Use their pattern, but put your own words in it.

IMG_3079 IMG_3080

Elena de Roo has written a list of green things, but she has played with the pattern a little and not every line begins with green (both ways work!). She has some great rhyme that helps glue the poem together (soar, draw) and (castle, freckle).

Green, My Crayon

I choose green with dappled speckles

green as sea glass

green as green grass

green as leaves with yellow freckles

Green as sea, and sky, and shore

green, the tower and turret door

in winds of green, its banners soar

green, my castle

green, I draw

©  Elena de Roo


John Parker has written a really cool list poem that is made up of dialogue! It has a definite pattern and a surprising but perfect ending (especially if you are like me and like crisp apples).

Drop, Drop

‘Drop drop,’ said the wind to the seed.

‘Reach, reach,’ said the earth to the root.

‘Drink, drink,’ said the rain to the plant.

‘Up, up,’ said the sun to the tree.

‘Out, out,’ said the tree to the branch.

‘Burst, burst,’ said the branch to the bud.

‘Open. open,’ said the bee to the blossom.

‘Ripen, ripen,’ said the blossom to the apple.

‘Eat, eat,’ said the apple to me ——

So I did!

©  John Parker

A Hat Poem

I decided to write a poem with a list of things somebody keeps in a very tall hat. I wanted the things to rhyme in different parts of the poem. I kept playing around with where I would put the things in the poem. I had a whole list of things Mrs Magee might keep in her hat and then I chose the ones that worked the best.

Feel free to write your version of my poem and send it to me: paulajoygreen@gmail.com. Don’t forget to include your name, age, class and school. You can include your teacher’s name and email address if you want.

The Hat

Inside Mrs Magee’s hat

you will find a cat

a door stop, a rolling pin

a rubbish bin, a floor mop

a game of Pictionary

an English dictionary

some very baggy pants

and an overcrowded nest of ants,

some bickering bees

and a nephew that’s hard to please.

With such a menagerie

the hat is terrifyingly tall

and Mrs Magee keeps

her poor head bald!

© Paula Green  Macaroni Moon illustrations by Sarah Laing published by Random House 2009



Tips for Writing List Poems

You might like to play with some of these tips when you try a list poem.

1. A list poem just has a list of things in it. The list can be anything but I find my favourite list poems have real things in. It might be a list of objects or places or things that have happened or actions.

2. Once you have your starting point collect as many as words as you can for your list. For my poem ‘The Bonnet Macaque: An Omnivore’ (in Flamingo Bendalingo) I started with what the animal keeps in her cheeks).  Then play around with how you put them into your poem.

3. Every line can start the same in a list poem.

My dog chases cats.

My dog chases fleas.

My dog chases me. (it could be a much longer list of course)

4. Every line can start differently in a list poem.

The house has a yellow roof.

The car has blue wheels.

The tree has purple flowers.

I have a red nose because I have a cold (I don’t really!).

5. Some of my favourite list poems collect two things on a line (this is a bit like a poem I have in Macaroni Moon).  The things might not rhyme. If they do rhyme it might easy Dr Seuss rhyme or tricky rhyme (I have both sorts below). You can have surprising combinations! Or things that go really well together. The world is your oyster when it comes to making lists!

It’s raining cats and dogs

and bees and cheese

and giraffes and scarves

and mushrooms and scooters.

6. Sometimes the last line of a list poem does a twist or backward flip. It breaks the pattern of the list.

It’s raining cats and dogs

and bees and cheese

and giraffes and scarves

and mushrooms and scootrs

so you’d better duck!

Have fun. Use your ears when you write because list poems can sound amazing!

They can be fun, make you think, sound great or surprise the reader (and more!).