Poetry Box review: When Dad’s Hair Took Off by Jörg Mühle

When Dad’s Hair Took Off Jörg Mühle, Gecko Press, 2023

Ah, Gecko Press dedicate such care, imagination and empathy to the publication of children’s books. Their books make me laugh, ponder, and admire. The illustrations are always sizzlingly good, the writing so beautiful crafted, often in translation. So the arrival of a new Gecko Press book in my mail box is a red parcel day.

When Dad’s Hair took Off, written and illustrated by Jörg Mühle, and translated by Melody Shaw, is such a delight to read. A father is sick of his hair, but his hair is sick of him …. so the daring and audacious hair TAKES OFF! This hair wants to see the world and live its own life.

I love the way the hair leads the determined father on a wild goose chase which means we go on a wild goose chase as readers, or should I say wild hair chase! I love how Jörg suprises me with little twists in the story and how things aren’t always as they seem – especially hair!

The illustrations ZING with life and ZEST – and it is FUN tracking the hair across each page.

When Dad’s Hair took Off is the perfect book to read when you feel like a good dollop of humour sprinkled with imagination and steeped in word play, I mean horse play, I mean HAIR play. Fabulous!

Jörg Mϋhle studied illustration in Offenbach and Paris. He has been illustrating for books and magazines since 2000. He illustrated Ulrich Hub’s award-winning Meet at the Ark at Eight.

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