My favourite imagine-a-city poems


These imagine-a-city poems are full of great imaginative leaps and juicy juicy words.

All these cities are really really different! Thanks to all who sent poems in. Here are some of my favourites.

Thanks to Scholastic I am sending Daniel a copy of the book: Imagine a City by Elise Hurst. It is beautiful. I love the way his poem falls on the page differently. It is a perfect match for the book.


Imagine a City

Imagine a city

where we cannot


no language,

no speech,

we live alone.

We live in silence,

without a word,

but we use the smile

to explain.

Ewen aged 12, Room 20, Year 7, Cobham Intermediate School, Christchurch


Lucky Hills

Slushy mud tumbles into the creeks of the farms

Toddlers in gumboots squelch in pools of water

Boys help out with the animals’ appetizing hay

Girls gallop down to the shops with moist fruit

With their horses hooves leaving hoof prints in the gentle grass

Mothers ironing the clothes covered in putrid mud

Fathers working in the ruby barn with all the little ones

Ducks waddling free on the road-less landscapes

The families all work hard in Lucky Hills

But live in the best imaginary land

By Hannah Age:  Age 9, Year: 5 Gladstone Primary


Imagine A City

Imagine a City

Where every day is bright and sunny

And everyone thinks of each other

Where people smile and say hello

To anyone in sight

Despite their differences

Where everyone sees they are all the same

Imagine a city called


By Gemma  Age 8 Year 4, Adventure School,  Porirua



In a town full of blood red sand,

Lives creatures that travelled across the land.

All covered in red,

They weren’t quite what you’d expect.

With arms the size of big tree branches,

And eating people for their lunches.

Humans trembled while the monsters approached,

Because they were the ferocious Martians.

Hellen  Gladstone School Y5 age 9


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by Daniel Year 1 aged 5 Adventure School Porirua

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