The moon in poems

This morning I woke up really early and I thought the light was on outside but it was a big bright moon.

I looked on the internet and I read that poets like to write poems about the moon. It was supposed to be a joke but it’s true.

I love the way when you see one moon you see moons everywhere.

I wondered how many moon poems there are in A Treasury of NZ poetry for Children. It was too cold to count. I remembered Becky, an ex Arrowtown-Primary-School student, has a terrific moon poem in the book.

I looked on the internet again and NZ poet, Rachel McAlpine had just posted a photo of the moon (about 6 am) and said ‘You’re still a supermoon to me.’

I called my last book of poems Macaroni Moon. ‘Imagine if the moon were made of cheese/ and cheese was made of moon.’

I have always loved writing moon poems.



Eat the Moon

The moon in the sky

tastes better than cheddar.


(That’s the whole poem! It’s from Macaroni Moon, Random House, 2009)


Have a go at writing a moon poem or a poem with a moon in it!

DEADLINE for your Moon-Poem Challenge: Monday 18th August

Send to Include your name, year, age and name of school. You can include your teacher’s name and email. PLEASE say it’s for the Moon-Poem challenge.

I will post my favourites from all the Moon-Poem Challenges and have a book prize for a poet (Year 0 to Year



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